pbio.3001324.g002.tif (351.26 kB)

Expression of PDFR in l-LNvs regulates sleep in young flies.

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posted on 2021-06-30, 17:37 authored by Markus K. Klose, Paul J. Shaw

(A) Sleep traces of Pdfr5504 mutants and Cs controls on day 0. (B) Sleep traces for Pdfr5504; c929-GAL4; UAS-Pdfr (rescue, green), Pdfr5504; UAS-Pdfr/+, Pdfr5504; c929-GAL4/+; Cry-Gal80/+, and Pdfr5504; c929-GAL4/UAS-Pdfr; Cry-Gal80 (n = 26–31/genotype). (C) Quantification of sleep during the WMZ of flies shown in (A). Cs flies sleep less during the WMZ than Pdfr5504 mutants (n = 26/genotype; t test, p < 0.05); (D) Quantification of sleep during the WMZ of flies shown in (B). Pdfr5504; c929-GAL4; UAS-Pdfr sleep less than parental controls; ANOVA F[3,109] = 6.33, p = 5.4E-4; n = 22–31. (E) Sleep is increased in Dcr2; c929-GAL4/UAS-PdfrRNAi flies on day 0 compared to Dcr2; c929-GAL4/+ and UAS-Pdfr/+ parental controls (ANOVA; F[2,279] = 12.00, p = 1.04E-5; n = 26–28). Data underlying this figure can be found in S2 Data. l-LNv, large ventral lateral neuron; PDFR, pigment dispersing factor receptor; WMZ, wake maintenance zone.
