pone.0259643.g004.tif (1.09 MB)

Expression of CYP enzymes.

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posted on 2021-11-09, 18:26 authored by Nina Zemanová, Kateřina Lněničková, Markéta Vavrečková, Eva Anzenbacherová, Pavel Anzenbacher, Iveta Zapletalová, Petra Hermanová, Tomáš Hudcovic, Hana Kozáková, Lenka Jourová

Comparison of estimated marginal mean values of mRNA expression of selected CYPs in relation with microbiome presence and metronidazole administration in mice liver. The data represent the mean ±SEM from 4 individual animals. The statistical significance was determined using two-way ANOVA and p-values for the effect of microbiome (i.e., difference between SPF and GF groups), metronidazole administration and combined effect of the both are shown in the tables below the respective graphs. Significantly different from control p < 0.05.
