pone.0266586.g001.tif (513.7 kB)

Experimental setup and protocol.

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posted on 2023-12-21, 18:27 authored by Dylan B. Snyder, Scott A. Beardsley, Allison S. Hyngstrom, Brian D. Schmit

A) Illustration of the mechanical linkage and experimental setup from the side (top inset displays the scene from above, bottom inset shows the location of the tendon vibrator). The white cursor projected onto a horizontal screen was linked to hand position. Participants were required to move the cursor from the home location (light gray annulus) to the target (dark gray annulus) and track the target while it moved in a figure-8 pattern. B) Experimental protocol: a single trial consisted of 3 repetitions of the figure-8 pattern. Participants performed three blocks of 16 trials each where the middle block included tendon vibration applied to the wrist flexor tendons.
