pone.0295640.g001.tif (2.24 MB)

Experimental setup.

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posted on 2023-12-14, 18:58 authored by Vincent Fortineau, Isabelle A. Siegler, Maria Makarov, Pedro Rodriguez-Ayerbe

Behind the robot, a screen (d) displays the simulated environment on an elevated surface so that the monitor is roughly at the eye level of the participants. The motion capture system (a) is positioned on a separate surface facing the robot (b). A force-torque sensor is positioned between the endpoint of the robot and the handle (c). The screen shows: (d1) a ramp, (d2) a score, that is the distance between the ball center and the target height (d3), a ball (d4), a paddle (d5), and the limits for the robot control (d6).
