pone.0293880.g001.tif (462.1 kB)

Experimental design.

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posted on 2024-02-21, 18:22 authored by Ankita Verma, Sharmili Mitra, Abdulrahman Khamaj, Vivek Kant, Manish Kumar Asthana

Fear conditioning on Day 1 was established by pairing a geometrical shape (square or triangle) with a screaming sound. On Day 2, a brief memory reminder CS+ was given to both experimental groups (RE and MRE). Following the reminder, the MRE group was subjected to a musical intervention after a 10-minute interval, and all three groups underwent extinction training. On the third day of the experiment, fear was reinstated through the implementation of four un-signaled unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) across all three groups, which was subsequently followed by extinction training.
