pone.0234539.g003.tif (1012.16 kB)

Experimental approach for discriminating sera from patients with CAD before undergoing CABG procedure versus sera from control individuals.

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posted on 2020-08-05, 18:15 authored by James R. Hocker, Megan Lerner, Stan A. Lightfoot, Marvin D. Peyton, Jess L. Thompson, Subrato Deb, Mathew Reinersman, R. Jane Hanas, Russel G. Postier, Barish H. Edil, Harold M. Burkhart, Jay S. Hanas

(A) Flow chart for serum sample handling and mass spectrometry for binary patient/subject group analysis. Distinguishing control samples from CABG samples are exhibited. (B) Peak Scoring for LOOCV (leave [one serum sample] out cross validation) procedure to classify mass peaks either “CABG” or control from a “left out” sample, over a narrow range (800–920 m/Z is displayed) of significant group discriminatory mass peaks. The PCV (peak classification value) example is exhibited on peak 836 which is used to classify “left out” peaks as either CABG (solid line, peak area above this PCV) or control (dotted line, peak area at or below this PCV).
