pntd.0009602.g002.tif (1.18 MB)

Experimental Rate-of-Kill time courses and curve descriptors for Benznidazole (BNZ), Nifurtimox (NIF) and Posaconazole (POS).

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posted on 2021-07-16, 17:44 authored by Juan Cantizani, Pablo Gamallo, Ignacio Cotillo, Raquel Alvarez-Velilla, Julio Martin

(A) Average number of T. cruzi amastigotes per host cell (AM/CELL) over time in hours. Errorbars represent the standard deviation of the average for all the independent experiments indicated in the table of panel C. (B) AM/CELL data are normalised and transformed to “%CIDAL_RESPONSE”, as defined in Methods. Error bars represent the standard deviation of the average for all the independent experiments indicated in the table of panel C. (C) RAG table of curve descriptors for BNZ, BNZ and POS. Thresholds for colours are set as follows: ME, green for values higher than 50, yellow for values between 50 and -10 and red for values lower than -10; MCCE, green colour for values lower than 2 μM, yellow for values between 2 and 6 μM and red for values higher than 6 μM; MCC50, green for values lower than 5, yellow for values between 5 and 16 and red for values higher than 16; t50%_MCC50, t50%_Cmax and tlag_Cmax, green colour were used for values lower than 24 h, yellow for values between 24 and 48h and red for values higher than 48h; tlag_MCC50 green for values lower than 24 h, yellow for 24h and red for values higher than 24h. Values in brackets at the column headers indicate the number of experiments included in the analysis; and values in brackets inside the cells correspond to the number of experiments that meet the acceptance criteria of activity within time and concentration ranges used for computational calculations of each parameter (note: no figure in brackets mean that all experiments indicated in column header were computed).
