pone.0261229.g001.tif (409.14 kB)

Expansion of Spike p.N501Y positive samples in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

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posted on 2021-12-14, 18:22 authored by Catia Mio, Chiara Dal Secco, Stefania Marzinotto, Claudio Bruno, Santa Pimpo, Elena Betto, Martina Bertoni, Corrado Pipan, Emanuela Sozio, Carlo Tascini, Giuseppe Damante, Francesco Curcio

A-D, p.N501Y spread in the province of Udine. Green dots represent p.N501Y positive samples from January 1st to January 15th (A), from January 16th to January 31st (B), from February 1st to February 15th (C), from February 16th to February 28th (D). E, relative abundance of the p.N501Y positive samples in about 15 weeks. Dots represent the estimated frequency in each fortnight. Dotted lines show 95% confidence interval. Created with
