pone.0271707.g004.tif (2.68 MB)

Exogenous treatment of zebrafish embryos with nApoE41-151 leads to nuclear localization.

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posted on 2022-12-15, 18:55 authored by Madyson M. McCarthy, Makenna J. Hardy, Saylor E. Leising, Alex M. LaFollette, Erica S. Stewart, Amelia S. Cogan, Tanya Sanghal, Katie Matteo, Jonathon C. Reeck, Julia T. Oxford, Troy T. Rohn

A-C. Representative images from confocal immunofluorescence in 5 mm paraffin-embedded sections that were stained with DAPI (A), anti-His antibody (green, B), or anti-His together with NeuN (C). There was no detection of nApoE41-151 fragments in untreated control neuronal cells as indicated by the lack of labeling in Panel A. Nuclear localization of the nApoE4 fragment was evident (Panels B and C) following exogenous treatment. For the E4 fragment, staining appears punctate and co-localized with NeuN and DAPI (B and C). All images were captured within the area of the cerebellum and fourth ventricle. D. Identical to Panels B-C with the exception that whole embryo mounts were triple labeled in order to display overall labeling in the entire organism at low magnification. Labeling of head, eye and tail is presented for orientation. The intense orange fluorescence area (arrows) represents regions with strong overlap between the E4 fragment and NeuN. In this case, labeling of the E4 fragment that co-localized with DAPI and NeuN was apparent in the hindbrain brain region. Data are representative of five independent experiments.
