pone.0250352.s002.tif (6.94 MB)

Examples of strong synovitis findings among the arthritis groups.

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posted on 2021-04-20, 17:29 authored by Johanna A. Huhtakangas, Jere Huovinen, Sakari Laaksonen, Hanna-Marja Voipio, Olli Vuolteenaho, Mikko A. J. Finnilä, Jérôme Thevenot, Petri P. Lehenkari

From each group, the highest grade was chosen. All images are from posterior recesses with HE staining; 5x magnification on the left, 20x magnification on the right panel. In pictures A and B, a strong synovitis in a vehicle-treated rat is seen. In C-D, a slightly milder synovitis is seen in a calcipotriol-treated rat. Pictures E-F represent a dexamethasone-treated rat with strong synovitis. Also note the thinner synovium in the tibial side of calcipotriol-treated knee (C) compared to other knees (A, E).

