pone.0262281.g002.tif (6.36 MB)

Examples of queen triggerfish sagittal otoliths and comparison between dorsal spine section and sagittal otolith from the same sample.

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posted on 2022-01-07, 18:35 authored by Virginia R. Shervette, Jesús M. Rivera Hernández

A. Left intact sagittal otolith of a queen triggerfish from a male caught in Puerto Rico (354 mm FL) with 9 increments. B. Left intact sagittal otolith from a male caught in St. Croix (362 mm FL) with 11 increments. C and D. First dorsal spine section (C) and left sagittal otolith (D) with increments indicated on each for a male from St. Thomas (352 mm FL); the spine-based estimated age was 8 y and the otolith estimated age was 14 y.
