pone.0293536.g005.tif (1.79 MB)

Example screenshot of unity scene hierarchy and inspector.

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posted on 2023-11-09, 18:39 authored by Martin M. Müller, Jonas Scherer, Patrick Unterbrink, Olivier J. N. Bertrand, Martin Egelhaaf, Norbert Boeddeker

Shown is the scene hierarchy of the main scene of the showcase study within the unity editor, together with the inspector window showing the components of the VNT pointing module in that scene. For the screenshot, the mouse was hovering over the RayCaster field of the RaycastBasedPointingController component, to show the tooltip which indicates that this field makes use of the VNT feature to drag-assign interface implementations (red dotted box and arrow). This feature exemplifies the commitment of the VNT to ease of adaptation as it enables easy swapping out of components, like replacing the MouseRayCaster shown here with a RayCaster based on gaze data (see example in section ‘Toolbox Availability’).
