pone.0251255.g001.tif (447.38 kB)

Example of a rcSO2 time series.

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posted on 2021-05-10, 17:30 authored by Nhu N. Tran, Jodie K. Votava-Smith, John C. Wood, Ashok Panigrahy, Choo Phei Wee, Matthew Borzage, S. Ram Kumar, Paula M. Murray, Mary-Lynn Brecht, Lisa Paquette, Kenneth M. Brady, Bradley S. Peterson

We show the mean rcSO2 time series for the healthy control infants. Measures were collected every 5 seconds for 5 minutes in each posture. Visually examining all individual time series provided the basis for selecting values 2 minutes before and after the postural change for our cerebrovascular stability analysis. We aimed to capture posture-induced changes, but eliminate the eventual return to baseline after the change.
