pcbi.1008932.s009.tif (981.35 kB)

Example model for INa with 9 free rate constants.

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posted on 2021-08-16, 17:37 authored by Kathryn E. Mangold, Wei Wang, Eric K. Johnson, Druv Bhagavan, Jonathan D. Moreno, Jeanne M. Nerbonne, Jonathan R. Silva

A) Topology of the model and B) Experimental data points and simulated fits for conductance voltage and steady state inactivation protocols. Purple validation points indicate points added in the simulation to calculate a model’s validation error when checking for overfitting. C) Experimental recovery from inactivation and simulated fit with added validation points to compute validation error for overfitting prevention. D) Normalized experimental current amplitudes recorded at -10 mV and 10 mV, plotted as points (black) with corresponding simulated traces in green. The normalized experimental current data acquired at 0 mV along with its associated fit for validation is shown in purple. E) Modeled INa current when inserted into the ten Tusscher [52] human ventricular action potential model and the resulting action potential F). Experimental data points (in black) in B), C) and D) are means ± SEM.

