pone.0253620.s001.tif (205.28 kB)

Example for two trials in the temporal discounting task adapted for children and adolescents.

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posted on 2021-06-18, 17:33 authored by Canan Beate Schüller, Ben Jonathan Wagner, Thomas Schüller, Juan Carlos Baldermann, Daniel Huys, Julia Kerner auch Koerner, Eva Niessen, Alexander Münchau, Valerie Brandt, Jan Peters, Jens Kuhn

The blue circle depicts the LL reward (in cents) that participants will receive if they wait. How long they have to wait is indicated by blue lines, i.e. one blue line = 10s wait, six blue lines = 60s wait. The red circle indicates how much the participant will receive if they move on to the next trial immediately (0–4 cents). Participants received feedback about the amount earned after every trial (piggy bank). The green bar below the two circles indicates how many trials the participant has already finished. LL, larger but later.

