pone.0297666.g002.tif (1.36 MB)

Example assay data from STB compounds.

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:40 authored by Franz S. Gruber, Anthony Richardson, Zoe C. Johnston, Rachel Myles, Neil R. Norcross, David P. Day, Irene Georgiou, Laura Sesma-Sanz, Caroline Wilson, Kevin D. Read, Sarah Martins da Silva, Christopher L. R. Barratt, Ian H. Gilbert, Jason R. Swedlow

(A) Motility assay example images. Tracked sperm cells treated with DMSO (top row), LRRK2-IN-1 (middle row) or Tafenonquine (bottom row). First (0 sec) and last frame (0.5 sec) of time-lapse movies are shown. Non-capacitating conditions (3h incubation with compound) are shown next to capacitating conditions (30 min incubation with compound). Compound concentration was 10 uM for all shown conditions. Colors in the non-capacitating assay indicate immotile sperm (pink), non-progressively motile sperm (lavender) or progressively motile sperm (teal). Colors in the capacitation assay indicate hyperactive sperm (green) or non-hyperactive sperm (blue). Scale bars 50 um. (B) Acrosome assay examples. Histogram depicting number of events and shift in intensity in the PNA acrosome channel (AR+ population). Acrosome assay protocol 1 (3h incubation with compound, no agonist addition; left panel) and acrosome assay protocol 2 (3h incubation with compound, 1h with agonist; right panel). Comparing DMSO (top row), LRRK2-IN-1 (middle row) and Tafenoquine (bottom row). Compound concentration was 10 mM for all shown conditions. Dashed line indicates gate (AR+ population).
