pone.0262047.g003.tif (1.37 MB)

Estimates and forecasts of national obesity prevalence from three models.

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posted on 2022-01-21, 19:06 authored by John Bryant, Jongjit Rittirong, Wichai Aekplakorn, Ladda Mo-suwan, Pimolpan Nitnara

The top panel shows results for Model 1 using NHES data only, the middle panel shows results for Model 2 using NHES, HDTC, and schools data, and the bottom panel shows results for Model 3 with NHES, HDTC, and schools data plus WHO-based prior distributions for time terms. The light bands represent 95% credible intervals, the dark bands represent 50% credible intervals, and the white lines represent medians. The black symbols represent direct estimates from Fig 1. The vertical axis for the top panel extends from 0 to 1, while the vertical axes for the other panels extend from 0 to 0.7.
