pgen.1011152.s007.tif (9.66 MB)

Essential roles of VPS34/VPS15 PI3 kinase complex in Yl recycling and yolk granule biogenesis.

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posted on 2024-02-05, 18:33 authored by Yue Yu, Dongsheng Chen, Stephen M. Farmer, Shiyu Xu, Beatriz Rios, Amanda Solbach, Xin Ye, Lili Ye, Sheng Zhang

Confocal fluorescent microscopy and DIC imaging of stage 10 egg chambers from flies carrying genome-tagging Yl-eGFP-3xHA with oocyte-specific expression of (A-C, G, H) control firefly Luciferase RNAi or (D-F, I, J) dsRNA again VPS34/PI3K59F, co-labeled with antibodies against GFP (green) and (A-F) lysotracker (red), or (G-J) endogenous Rab7 (red) and F-Actin (blue), as annotated. (B, E, H, J) High-magnification view of the cortex regions highlighted in (A, D, G, I), respectively. (C, F) Zoom-in view of the areas highlighted in (B, E), respectively. Images are presented as overlaying images in color or as individual channels in gray, as annotated. Genotypes: The samples were from adult females flies heterozygous for Yl-eGFP-3xHA reporter (p{mini-W+, yl-eGFP-3xHA}) and matalpha4-GAL-VP16 (BDSC #7062) driver together with (A-C, G, H). P{TRiP.JF01355}attP2 (BDSC#31603) or (D-F, I, J) P{TRiP.HMJ30324}attP40 (BDSC #64011). The sizes of the scales as annotated inside images.

