pcbi.1009644.g006.tif (602.98 kB)

Entrainment in GMN is resilient to variability in inter-ICC coupling strengths.

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posted on 2021-12-06, 18:28 authored by Md Ashfaq Ahmed, Sharmila Venugopal, Ranu Jung

(A,G) The variability in only GICC−ICC (A) and both GICC−ICC and PIP3 (G) (20%, 50%, and 100% variability) are shown around their mean values. (B, H) Total Lag of the network without inter-ICC IP3 exchange for three different variabilities in GICC−ICC (B) and of the network with inter-ICC IP3 exchange for three different variabilities in GICC−ICC and PIP3 (H). The latency to entrainment cannot be inferred from any of the panels in (B), since the networks were only partially entrained. However, the latency to entrainment can be measured from the first two panels in (H), since the Total Lag has attained constant value in these two cases. (C, I) Total Lag is shown for each case for the last 7 cycles using violin plot. The asterisk (*) symbol represents a statistically significant difference between the corresponding quantities. Spatiotemporal diagrams of membrane potential (D, J), Relative Lags, (E, K) and spatiotemporal maps of SM Cell Periods (F, L) for the network are shown for three different variabilities in GICC−ICC for the network without inter-ICC IP3 exchange and in GICC−ICC and PIP3 for the network with inter-ICC IP3 exchange, respectively. The spatiotemporal membrane potential diagrams are shown for the last 120 seconds of the respective simulation, whereas the Relative Lag and the SM Cell Period diagrams are shown for the last 20 cycles of the respective simulation.
