Above-Belowground food web.png (385.87 kB)

Effects of plant biodiversity on above-belowground interactions

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posted on 2013-09-16, 07:34 authored by Christoph ScherberChristoph Scherber, Nico Eisenhauer,, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Bernhard Schmid, Winfried Voigt, Markus Fischer, Ernst-Detlef Schulze, Christiane Roscher, Alexandra Weigelt, Eric Allan, Holger Bessler, Michael Bonkowski, Nina Buchmann, François Buscot, Lars W. Clement, Anne Ebeling, Christof Engels, Stefan Halle, Ilona Kertscher, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Robert Koller, Stephan König, Esther Kowalski, Volker Kummer, Annely Kuu, Markus Lange, Dirk Lauterbach, Cornelius Middelhoff, Varvara D. Migunova, Alexandru Milcu, Ramona Müller, Stephan Partsch, Jana S. Petermann, Tanja Rottstock, Carsten Renker, Alexander Sabais, Stefan Scheu, Jens Schumacher, Vicky M. Temperton, Teja Tscharntke

This graph comes from a manuscript published in Nature ( and shows how plant species richness affects organisms living in the soil and in the vegetation layer. It was originally published as part of the Supplementary Material and is reproduced here to show it to a wider audience.
