pone.0244591.g002.tif (905.97 kB)

Effect of GA on corn yield traits, kernel size, and cellulose content.

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posted on 2021-03-17, 17:49 authored by Huayang Lv, Xiao Li, Hui Li, Yufeng Hu, Hanmei Liu, Shengjuan Wen, Yangping Li, Yinghong Liu, Huanhuan Huang, Guowu Yu, Yubi Huang, Junjie Zhang

CK: Untreated (control), GA: Gibberellin treatment. (A)The indicators ear length, ear diameter, shaft thickness, grain length, grain width, grain thickness, and 100-grain weight. (B)Bulk density (average of three independent experiments.) (C) Comparison of GA-treated and untreated (control) corn kernels. (D) Cellulose content of GA-treated and untreated corn grains at different stages. Three independent experiments * p<0.05, ** p<0.01 significantly different from control.
