ppat.1006728.g005.tif (1.01 MB)

Effect of FloA on reconstituted T7SS in E. coli.

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posted on 2017-11-22, 18:38 authored by Benjamin Mielich-Süss, Rabea M. Wagner, Nicole Mietrach, Tobias Hertlein, Gabriella Marincola, Knut Ohlsen, Sebastian Geibel, Daniel Lopez

(A) BN-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of solubilized E. coli membranes expressing structural T7SS proteins EsaA, EssA, EssB and EssC alone or with FloA. EssB was detected using polyclonal antibodies. (B) Size exclusion chromatography on a Superose 6 column with solubilized membrane fractions expressing structural T7SS proteins EsaA, EssA, EssB and EssC alone (- FloA) or with FloA (+FloA). The fractions corresponding to the elution volumes at 8–21 ml were separated in SDS-PAGE and detected by immunoblotting with polyclonal anti-FloA, -EsaA, -EssB or -EssC antibodies.
