pone.0296775.g003.tif (207.6 kB)

Effect of CoQ10 on blood levels of hematological parameters, lymphocyte percentage (LYM%), granulocytes percentage (GRA%), and medium size cells percentage of monocytes, eosinophils and basophils (MID%).

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posted on 2024-01-16, 18:23 authored by Yousif Jameel Jbrael, Badraldin Kareem Hamad

After three weeks, blood levels of LYM%, MID%, and GRA% were measured in three groups of experimental rats, the Normal control group (A), the Diabetic control group (B), and the Diabetic group treated with CoQ10 (C). hematological parameters were evaluated by the automatic hematology analyzer Swelab Alfa Standard (Boule Medical AB, Sweden). Data are presented as the mean ± SE (n = 7). Within the same duration of treatment, bars with different asterisks (*, **) differ from each other significantly (P < 0.05)—ns: not significant.
