ppat.1008232.g001.tif (920.9 kB)

Ecotin orthologs from pathogenic microbes inhibit all three MASP enzymes.

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posted on 2019-12-20, 18:33 authored by Zoltán Attila Nagy, Dávid Szakács, Eszter Boros, Dávid Héja, Eszter Vígh, Noémi Sándor, Mihály Józsi, Gábor Oroszlán, József Dobó, Péter Gál, Gábor Pál

Affinities of the four ecotin orthologs as well as SGMI-2 and TFMI-3 toward MASP-1 (light grey bars), MASP-2 (black bars) and MASP-3 (dark grey bars) are shown as–log10(KI) (M) values. Asterisks (*) indicate that no inhibition could be detected.
