pone.0266586.g003.tif (2.39 MB)

EEG source localization of beta band ERD during the tracking period.

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posted on 2023-12-21, 18:27 authored by Dylan B. Snyder, Scott A. Beardsley, Allison S. Hyngstrom, Brian D. Schmit

The hemisphere contralateral to the tested arm (paretic/non-dominant) is displayed on the left. A) Average ERD during the Pre-TV block. Z-scores averaged across participants and sessions are shown for each group. Only values above or below a z-score threshold of ±2 are displayed. Positive values indicate ERD while negative values indicate a resynchronization, relative to baseline. The dark translucent overlay denotes the deficit ROI. B) Average ERD in the deficit ROI expressed as the percent change from baseline averaged across participants (error bars denote the 95% confidence interval about the mean). C) Difference ERDs from Pre-TV (Control: C-Vibe and C-Sham, Stroke: S-Vibe and S-Sham). The percent change (%Δ) values denotes the difference between the respective block and the Pre-TV block for each session with a positive/negative %Δ indicating a larger/smaller ERD within the respective block. Only values above or below a %Δ difference of ± 9 are displayed for clarity. The dark translucent overlay denotes the deficit ROI.
