pone.0247901.g002.tif (464.04 kB)

EAE-induced microglial/macrophage activation is ameliorated in the optic nerve of A2 knockout mice.

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posted on 2021-03-18, 17:37 authored by Amritha A. Candadai, Fang Liu, Abdelrahman Y. Fouda, Moaddey Alfarhan, Chithra D. Palani, Zhimin Xu, Ruth B. Caldwell, S. Priya Narayanan

A-D) Immunofluorescence images of Iba1 labeled optic nerve sections showing increases in cells with activated morphology in response to EAE induction. The deletion of A2 significantly reduced this effect. E-H) Magnified images of the boxed regions demonstrate changes in the morphology of Iba1 positive cells and the effects of A2 deletion. Asterisks indicate Iba1 positive cells with activated morphology following EAE induction. I) Quantification of Iba1 positive cells with activated morphology. Data are presented as Mean ± SEM. #p<0.01 WT EAE vs WT Con and # p<0.01 A2-/- EAE vs WT EAE. Number of animals used: 8(WT Control);12 (WT EAE); 9 (A2-/- EAE); 7 (A2-/- Control). Representative images are presented. Scale bar 50 μm.
