pone.0247901.g006.tif (645.59 kB)

EAE-induced astrogliosis is reduced in A2 deficient optic nerves.

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posted on 2021-03-18, 17:37 authored by Amritha A. Candadai, Fang Liu, Abdelrahman Y. Fouda, Moaddey Alfarhan, Chithra D. Palani, Zhimin Xu, Ruth B. Caldwell, S. Priya Narayanan

A-D) Representative confocal images optic nerve sections demonstrate the activation of astrocytes (labeled by GFAP antibody) in the WT EAE optic nerves while the deletion of A2 significantly suppressed the extent of astrogliosis. E-H) Magnified images of respective boxed areas in A-D demonstrate hypertrophic astrocytes. I) Quantification of glial activation in optic nerve sections of different groups. Scale bar 50 μm. Number of animals used: 8(WT Control); 12 (WT EAE); 9 (A2-/- EAE); 7 (A2-/- Control). Representative images are presented. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. #p<0.01 WT EAE vs WT Con and *p<0.05 A2-/- EAE vs WT EAE.
