ppat.1009784.s001.tif (8.98 MB)

E248R and E199L structure resemble VACV fusion machinery.

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posted on 2022-01-26, 18:38 authored by Miguel Ángel Cuesta-Geijo, Isabel García-Dorival, Ana del Puerto, Jesús Urquiza, Inmaculada Galindo, Lucía Barrado-Gil, Fátima Lasala, Ana Cayuela, Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano, Carmen Gil, Rafael Delgado, Covadonga Alonso

(A, B) Identical amino acids are marked green for E248R or purple for E199L. Amino acids conserved 80% are marked in dark grey, those conserved between 60–80% in light grey. Finally, those preserved less than 60% in white. (C-D) Structural comparison with VACV fusion proteins. Myristoylation signal is indicated in red, the three main domains: internal (Int), transmembrane (TM) and external domains (Ext) represented in blocks. Amino acid numbers are indicated. Black lines represent cysteines indicating the positions above and the disulphide bonds in grey. (E) WB of Flag pull-down experiments of 293T cells transiently co-expressing NPC1 Flag together with HA L1R.

