pone.0297816.g006.tif (596.58 kB)

Dynamical evolution of intra-thallus areas for the six conditions tested.

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posted on 2024-02-06, 18:23 authored by Clara Ledoux, Cécilia Bobée, Éva Cabet, Pascal David, Frédéric Filaine, Sabrina Hachimi, Christophe Lalanne, Gwenaël Ruprich-Robert, Éric Herbert, Florence Chapeland-Leclerc

(A) Time evolution of the total intra-thallus area S for experiments in each of the six conditions. The data points are represented with their errors (one point out of three) (see Section Materials and methods). The solid black line represents the linear fit and the grey shadowing quantifies one standard deviation. The fit was represented for condition 0 only to keep the figure clear. All the fitting values are in Table 3. (B) Time evolution of the number of intra-thallus areas Si (semi-logarithmic scale). See Table 4 for fitting values. (C) Evolution of the total intra-thallus area S as a function of the number of surfaces Si. The figure has been enlarged around the area of interest. Condition 0 only is cropped, with the maximum abscissa and ordinate point at 7330 and 52 respectively. (D) Same as (C) with an enlargement on the first points. Both arrows indicate the breaking points of the slopes visible in conditions 0 (red arrow) and 2 (blue arrow) respectively.
