pcbi.1011274.g003.tif (4.54 MB)

Driver nodes and target nodes.

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posted on 2024-01-12, 18:41 authored by Karan Kabbur Hanumanthappa Manjunatha, Giorgia Baron, Danilo Benozzo, Erica Silvestri, Maurizio Corbetta, Alessandro Chiuso, Alessandra Bertoldo, Samir Suweis, Michele Allegra

(A) We show a rendering of the brain, with each dot representing the center of one of the 74 regions. Node size is inversely proportional to the node driver centrality , while nodes color corresponds to resting state network affiliation. (B) as in (A), but node size is inversely proportional to the node target centrality . Brain images were visualized using BrainNetViewer [48].
