pone.0254972.g001.tif (266.66 kB)

Dot plots of immune mediators, IL-17 and IP-10 in the serum.

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posted on 2022-01-21, 18:39 authored by Marie-Hélène Errera, Ana Pratas, Sylvain Fisson, Thomas Manicom, Marouane Boubaya, Neila Sedira, Emmanuel Héron, Lilia Merabet, Alfred Kobal, Vincent Levy, Jean-Michel Warnet, Christine Chaumeil, Françoise Brignole-Baudouin, José-Alain Sahel, Pablo Goldschmidt, Bahram Bodaghi, Coralie Bloch-Queyrat

IL-17 and IP-10 in the serum are increased in patients with idiopathic uveitis (n = 63) compared with serum of noninflammatory controls patients (cataract age-related) (CTL) (n = 47). Medians levels for IL-21 and IL-23 in the serum: elevated for IL-21 and decreased for IL-23 in patients with idiopathic uveitis (N = 68) as compared with noninflammatory controls patients (cataract age-related) (CTL) (N = 16). * = P<0.05; ** = P<0.01; *** = P<0.001.
