pgen.1010423.s002.tif (42.62 kB)

Dose-response curve of UV-B radiation on M. polymorpha spores.

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posted on 2023-01-06, 18:54 authored by Chloe Casey, Thomas Köcher, Clément Champion, Katharina Jandrasits, Magdalena Mosiolek, Clémence Bonnot, Liam Dolan

Wild type spores (from a cross between Tak-1 and Tak-2) were plated on solid medium and subjected to UV-B irradiation for different lengths of time using a UVP BioDoc-It. Spores were imaged after 14 days of growth using a Leica DFC310 FX stereomicroscope. The total area of spores on each plate was determined using ImageJ (Tab D in S1 Table). The fitted curve was calculated using the four-parameter log-logistic equation from the drc package in R. IC50 (exposure time of UV-B at which the average sporeling area on the plate was reduced by 50%) was calculated from the dose-response curve as approximately 110 s. Error bars represent ± standard deviation (n = 3).

