pone.0297560.s004.tif (9.76 MB)

Distributions of experimental data and error from Bihler et al. study for filtering purposes.

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posted on 2024-01-25, 18:35 authored by Eli Fritz McDonald, Kathryn E. Oliver, Jonathan P. Schlebach, Jens Meiler, Lars Plate

A. Histogram of the distribution of C-B band ratio of all 585 missense variants from the Bihler et al. study [33]. B. Histogram of the distribution of C-B band ratio SEM for all 585 missense variants from the Bihler et al. study. Variants with an SEM greater than 30 were excluded from analysis due to lack of experimental reproducibility and for plotting clarity. C. FSK %WT distribution plotted as a histogram for all 585 missense variants from the Bihler et al. study [33]. D. FSK %WT SEM distribution plotted as a histogram for all 585 missense variants from the Bihler et al. study. Variants with an SEM greater than 20 were excluded from analysis due to lack of experimental reproducibility and for plotting clarity.

