pbio.3002539.s004.jpg (450.25 kB)

Distribution of the best-fitting parameters for each cell morphology.

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posted on 2024-03-12, 17:34 authored by Virág Takács, Zsuzsanna Bardóczi, Áron Orosz, Abel Major, Luca Tar, Péter Berki, Péter Papp, Márton I. Mayer, Hunor Sebők, Luca Zsolt, Katalin E. Sos, Szabolcs Káli, Tamás F. Freund, Gábor Nyiri

The median and interquartile values (q1: 25%, q2: 75%) of the best-fitting parameters of the 20 optimization runs for each cell morphology are indicated by the boxes. Whiskers extend to the smallest and largest value within the kernel of q1-1.5* interquartile range and q2+1.5* interquartile range. Those values that are not in that kernel are defined as outliers and represented as circles. See raw data in S24 Data.

