pcbi.1011919.s005.tif (870.03 kB)

Distribution of random task scores for the metabolic tasks for arginine to nitric oxide and ROS detoxification demonstrate the underlying distribution of DEGs.

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posted on 2024-02-29, 18:53 authored by Bonnie V. Dougherty, Connor J. Moore, Kristopher D. Rawls, Matthew L. Jenior, Bryan Chun, Sarbajeet Nagdas, Jeffrey J. Saucerman, Glynis L. Kolling, Anders Wallqvist, Jason A. Papin

A red background indicates a metabolic task associated with a significant increase in gene expression and a blue background indicates a metabolic task associated with a significant decrease in gene expression (p-value < 0.1). The red dashed line indicates the task score for the actual gene expression data whereas the black bars indicate the calculated task scores when the gene expression data is randomized. In this case, the distribution for the Dox data is significantly wider (i.e. larger range on the x-axis), indicating a larger overall absolute change in gene expression requiring a higher overall average gene expression for ROS production to be deemed significant and a lower overall average gene expression for arginine to nitric oxide to be deemed significant.

