pone.0250219.s001.tif (2.07 MB)

Distribution of maximum amplitude and dominant pitch across all syllables.

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posted on 2021-04-21, 17:51 authored by Navdeep K. Lidhar, Ayushi Thakur, Anna-Julia David, Kaori Takehara-Nishiuchi, Nathan Insel

A) Heatmap of 3D histogram of syllable amplitudes versus dominant pitch. Syllables fell into multiple clusters, the cluster of particularly low amplitudes and pitch were almost exclusively chitters. B) Histogram of clusters that did not have identifiable amplitude peaks above 400 Hz (red trace) and both low pitch (blue trace) and high-pitch (black trace) syllables that did. Black dotted line shows approximates the amplitude threshold for detecting syllables, although this would be more true for the < 400 Hz syllables that fell within the ambient noise. The distribution of these syllables was asymmetric, suggesting that some syllables fell below detection threshold.

