pone.0246091.g001.tif (576.13 kB)

Distribution of faecal calprotectin (FCP) in the total cohort, including samples of healthy children and children with a gastrointestinal condition (e.g. IBD).

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posted on 2021-02-11, 18:42 authored by Martina Orfei, Marco Gasparetto, Kai O. Hensel, Florian Zellweger, Robert B. Heuschkel, Matthias Zilbauer

A Scatterplot of absolute FCP distribution of 2788 samples from 2788 children aged 0-16y. B Percentage of all patients (n = 2788) according to FCP range. 85% of all FCP values are < 250 μg/g, 90% are < 600 μg/g.
