pone.0259870.g001.tif (491.5 kB)

Distribution of TF families identified in the SG.

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posted on 2021-11-11, 18:33 authored by Yan Ma, Qiwei Sun, Lihua Huang, Qin Luo, Wenhui Zeng, Yao Ou, Jingwen Ma, Hanfu Xu

(A) The pipeline of TF identification and analysis. (B) DBD families of TFs in the SG. The x-axis presents the TF family type, and the y-axis presents the number of TFs. The capital letter “A” indicates that the DBD families contain only two TFs, including CP2, DM, E2F, RHD, SF-like, TSC22, and zf-LITAF-like. “B” represents DBD families with only one TF, including AF-4, CBF, COE, CSL, CUT, DACH, ESR-like, GCM, GCNF-like, HPD, HSF, HTH, Miscellaneous, NDT80/PhoG, NF-YB, NGFIB-like, Nrf1, PC4, RFX, Runt, SAND, SRF, TEA, Tub, zf-BED, zf-C2HC, zf-CCCH, and zf-MIZ, etc.
