pone.0214407.g004.tif (298.49 kB)

Digoxin treatment has no impact on lung viral burden.

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posted on 2019-03-25, 17:33 authored by Jodi L. McGill, Mariana Guerra-Maupome, Sarah Schneider

Lung samples were collected from representative lesion and non-lesion sites of the lungs on day 10 post infection and preserved in RNALater. Tissues samples were evaluated for viral burden by qPCR for the BRSV NS2 gene. Viral NS2 copy numbers were calculated using standard curves and normalized to the housekeeping gene, S9, to correct for differences in input material. Data points represent the means ± SEM of each BRSV-infected group. Lung samples from uninfected control calves were negative for the BRSV NS2 gene and were not depicted on the graph. (NS) No significant differences were observed between digoxin treated and untreated groups.
