4 files

Digging into data access: Table 1

posted on 2022-05-16, 16:21 authored by Alex DickinsonAlex Dickinson, Mark IrelandMark Ireland

Supporting files for Table 1 in the Geoscientist article Digging into data access: The need for reform. For sources of data see the Figshare item Digging into data access: Sources (doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.19666083).


Volumes of data held by each custodial organisation. Note that figures are highly approximate. Different organisations often report different statistics for the same type of data (e.g. number of seismic surveys versus total length of seismic lines), and so direct comparison is difficult. British Geological Survey (BGS) entries include both records maintained by the BGS proper and records maintained by the National Geological Repository and National Geoscience Data Centre. NDR 2026 = planned size of the National Data Repository (NDR) in 2026. The bar chart at the right-hand side compares the total volumes of digital data held by each organisation. We could not find information for the Environment Agency (EA) or for total volumes of potential-field or aquifer data. The BGS has constructed several onshore geological frameworks. aEstimated total size of current Oil and Gas Authority (OGA*) digital archives includes both NDR and non-NDR data. MDE = Marine Data Exchange; UKOGL = UK Onshore Geophysical Library.

*The OGA became the North Sea Transition Authority in March 2022


  • digging_into_data_access_table1.xlsx - spreadsheet for designing Table 1
  • digging_into_data_access_table1.pdf - copy of Table 1 exported from digging_into_data_access_table1.xlsx
  • digging_into_data_access_table1_edited.svg - Inkscape file for removing white space from digging_into_data_access_table1.pdf
  • digging_into_data_access_table1_edited.png -  image exported from digging_into_data_access_table1_edited.svg
