pgen.1009368.g004.tif (351.5 kB)

Differential PHBR analysis.

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posted on 2021-02-08, 19:14 authored by Arne Claeys, Tom Luijts, Kathleen Marchal, Jimmy Van den Eynden

(A) Bar plots comparing MHC-I PHBR values between wild type (PHBRwt) and mutated peptides (PHBR), translated from the 13 identified weak HLA affinity driver mutations. ΔPHBR is defined as the difference between PHBR and PHBRwt as illustrated for BRAF V600E. (B) ECDF plot for all driver mutations in the dataset with the weak HLA affinity mutations indicated and labelled in red. (C) Heatmap showing the expected ΔPHBR for each potential substitution in the human genome, based on 15,000 random simulations. Color key shown on top left. Rows and columns are ranked on median PHBR values as indicated by the box plots on the right of the heatmap. Violin plots show PolyPhen-2 functional impact scores for the corresponding substitutions. Box plots indicate median values and lower/upper quartiles with whiskers extending to 1.5 times the interquartile range.
