pntd.0009660.g001.tif (862.18 kB)

Difference between the developmental and chronological/actual ages for the six subscales.

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posted on 2021-08-11, 17:25 authored by Francisca Mutapi, Lorraine Pfavayi, Derick Osakunor, Rivka Lim, Maritha Kasambala, Arnold Mutemeri, Simbarashe Rusakaniko, Dixon Chibanda, Takafira Mduluza

Dotted line represents children performing as expected for their chronological age as per Griffiths test, i.e. the difference between the chronical and developmental age performance. P-values indicate statistical tests comparing the difference between the mean developmental age as indicated by the Griffiths test performance and the mean chronological age. Solid lines = mean.
