pone.0290493.s001.tif (1.08 MB)

Dietary cystine restriction is not causing significant damage in the intestine.

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posted on 2024-01-05, 18:37 authored by Judith C. W. de Jong, Kristel S. van Rooijen, Edwin C. A. Stigter, M. Can Gülersönmez, Marcel R. de Zoete, Janetta Top, Matthijs J. D. Baars, Yvonne Vercoulen, Folkert Kuipers, Saskia W. C. van Mil, Noortje Ijssennagger

A) Body weight gain of the mice during the intervention (weight at d14 minus weight at d0 (in gram) (n = 8/group, mean ± SEM). B) Total crypt length (μm) of 15 colonic crypts per mouse (with the median per mouse). C, D) Gene expression of damage markers Ier3, Ripk3 and Birc5 in small intestine (C) and colon (D). (n = 8/group, mean ± SEM).

