pone.0290493.g001.tif (512.34 kB)

Dietary cystine restriction does not affect metabolism into cystine breakdown products.

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posted on 2024-01-05, 18:37 authored by Judith C. W. de Jong, Kristel S. van Rooijen, Edwin C. A. Stigter, M. Can Gülersönmez, Marcel R. de Zoete, Janetta Top, Matthijs J. D. Baars, Yvonne Vercoulen, Folkert Kuipers, Saskia W. C. van Mil, Noortje Ijssennagger

A) Plasma cysteine (reduced) (abbreviated as Cys (red)), methionine (Met), glutathione and taurine levels measured by metabolomics (n = 8/group, mean ± SEM). B) qPCR gene expression of enzymes converting methionine to cysteine (CTH) and cysteine to glutathione (GSS, GCLC, GCLM) normalized by normal cys (n = 8/group, mean ± SEM). C) Bile acid concentrations measured in bile (n = 5/normal cys; n = 4/low cys, mean ± SEM). D) Excreted bile acids per 24h (right), measured in feces (n = 8/group, mean ± SEM).
