pone.0262419.g002.tif (510.28 kB)

Diagram of the germline sequencing analysis and variant prioritization strategy, showing the main technical processes.

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posted on 2022-01-27, 18:32 authored by Felipe Fidalgo, Giovana Tardin Torrezan, Bianca Costa Soares de Sá, Bruna Durães de Figueiredo Barros, Luciana Facure Moredo, Renan Valieris, Sandro J. de Souza, João Pereira Duprat, Ana Cristina Victorino Krepischi, Dirce Maria Carraro

WES data from 10 melanoma patients were analyzed using quality and frequency-based filters, resulting in 288 rare non-synonymous variants identified in both affected members of each family, which were investigated further for their predicted pathogenicity and gene function. WES, whole exome sequencing. TMAP, Torrent Mapper; TVC, Torrent Variant Caller; GATK, Genomic Analysis Toolkit; QC, Quality Control; MAF, minor allele frequency; LoF, Loss of Function.
