pcbi.1008972.g003.tif (551.44 kB)

Diagram of placement types of ribosomal RNA genes.

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posted on 2021-05-07, 17:39 authored by Lauren M. Lui, Torben N. Nielsen, Adam P. Arkin

Number of genomes in this study for each category are indicated in the rightmost column. (A) Operonic. The 16S (yellow), 23S (green), and 5S (purple) ribosomal RNA genes are in an operon. (B) Operonic with tRNAs (blue). The three ribosomal RNA genes are still in an operon, but one or more tRNAs are located in the spacer between the 16S and 23S genes. (C) Operonic with tRNAs and protein coding genes (beige). The three ribosomal RNA genes are still in an operon, but one or more tRNAs or protein coding genes are located in the spacer between the 16S and 23S genes or 23S and 5S genes. It is not unusual to find that the protein coding gene is a homing endonuclease. (D) Unlinked ribosomal RNA genes by distance. The 16S gene is unlinked from the 23S and 5S genes, or the 23S is also unlinked from the 5S gene, by enough distance (>2000bp) and intervening genes on the opposite strand where it is not possible for them to be transcribed from the same promoter. (E) Unlinked ribosomal RNA genes that are on opposite strands. The 16S is on the opposite strand from the 23S and 5S genes.
