pone.0300541.g005.tif (1.24 MB)

Details of the octameric interfaces in GDHNAD∙Gly.

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posted on 2024-03-14, 17:31 authored by Taein Park, Jung Youn Kang, Minwoo Jin, Jihyeong Yang, Hyunwoo Kim, Chaemin Noh, Che-Hun Jung, Soo Hyun Eom

(A) Overall structure of Mol-A within the GDHNAD∙Gly structure. The three octameric interfaces are shown as red surfaces. (B) Detailed views of the three octameric interfaces within the GDHNAD∙Gly structure. Mol-A, Mol-B, and the neighboring protomers are colored orange, purple, and white, respectively. The side or main chains of the residues participating in the interactions are shown in stick with dashed lines indicating hydrogen bonds.
