ppat.1009262.g001.tif (933.73 kB)

Design and fabrication of nanowell-arrayed microscope slides for the compartmentalization and visualization of TB bioaerosols.

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posted on 2021-02-01, 18:32 authored by Ryan Dinkele, Sophia Gessner, Andrea McKerry, Bryan Leonard, Ronnett Seldon, Anastasia S. Koch, Carl Morrow, Melitta Gqada, Mireille Kamariza, Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Brian Smith, Courtney McLoud, Andrew Kamholz, Wayne Bryden, Charles Call, Gilla Kaplan, Valerie Mizrahi, Robin Wood, Digby F. Warner

(A) Photograph and (B) schematic of a nanowell-arrayed microscope slide. (C) 3D scan of a 207.840 x 277.029 μm section of the slide. Each device (25 mm x 75 mm) consists of two rows of eight round microwells machined from cast acrylic. The microwells are 6 mm in diameter and 2 mm deep. The nanowell film, which is bonded to the superstructure with UV-curing adhesive, is made from embossed COC film. The nanowells have side-wall angles of 35° and are 50 μm deep. The distance through the bottom of each well to the back of the film is ~170 μm, equivalent to a number 1.5 coverslip.
