pone.0297666.g001.tif (1.68 MB)

Design and assay of the Sperm Toolbox.

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posted on 2024-02-20, 18:40 authored by Franz S. Gruber, Anthony Richardson, Zoe C. Johnston, Rachel Myles, Neil R. Norcross, David P. Day, Irene Georgiou, Laura Sesma-Sanz, Caroline Wilson, Kevin D. Read, Sarah Martins da Silva, Christopher L. R. Barratt, Ian H. Gilbert, Jason R. Swedlow

(A) The Sperm Toolbox is a collection of 83 small molecules with published, observed or inferred effect on multiple biological processes related to the biogenesis or function of spermatozoa. Human sperm cells have been tested in various assays, which allows comparison of compounds under the same experimental conditions. (B) Summary of the STB compound compositions. (C) Summary of annotated (i.e. published, observed, inferred) sperm function of Toolbox compounds. (D) Coarse classification of STB target classes. (E) StringDB Protein-Protein interaction networks (Full network, confidence 0.7) of putative targets of STB compounds. Protein targets have been inferred from the repurposing hub. Network has been clustered using MCL clustering in Cytoscape. (F) Sperm related terms (GeneOntology, Reactome) within the network shown in (E). Marker size indicates false discovery rate (FDR). (G) Enriched terms within the biggest subclusters in (E). Redundant terms have been filtered using Cytoscape (cutoff 0.5). Color matches subcluster color in (E).
