pcbi.1008870.g001.tif (511.45 kB)

Description of the STAMP method.

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posted on 2021-03-30, 17:41 authored by Irina Veith, Arianna Mencattini, Valentin Picant, Marco Serra, Marine Leclerc, Maria Colomba Comes, Fathia Mami-Chouaib, Jacques Camonis, Stéphanie Descroix, Hamasseh Shirvani, Fatima Mechta-Grigoriou, Gérard Zalcman, Maria Carla Parrini, Eugenio Martinelli

From multi-channel videos of ToC co-cultures, the cancer cells (pre-stained in red) are localized and tracked in the red channel. The dying cancer cells (becoming green because of the caspase reporter) are identified in the green channel, after signal normalization and thresholding. The method monitors cancer cell deaths both in time and in space. The death signal is modeled to vanish during T time frames. Then, the spatiotemporal features of all death signals are integrated in a unique map, from which a parameter, named potential of death induction (Pdeath), is computed over time (see Materials and Methods for details).
